
# Reentry Bookmarks

Elves and Humans

The World of Elvenar is shared by Elves and Humans. The primary difference between the two races is aesthetic; the capabilities and production capacity of the two races are similar. There's also a visiting race, in each chapter, that presents a unique production puzzle.

Reentry Bookmarks

Once you’ve found your current chapters you can use a different hash tag chapter link as the point of entry for each of your characters. Just bookmark the link, or add it to your home screen.

# Scope

The Progression pages present the core Elvenar Buildings, Chapter by Chapter, with a particular emphasis on:
—Levels that will be released
—Building Footprint changes
—Population Requirement increases
—Production Rate increases

This Race Comparisons page is a side by side replicate of every 5th Chapter, so that you can get a quick feel for how the progression differs for Elves and Humans.

# Elven Chapter 05

05 Introduction

<<-15 6x6 332 Main Hall Storage (4400K)
<<-05 3x3 000 Builders Hut Slots (5)
<<-15 3x3 050 Res Coins (1500/h 12h)
05-05 3x3 700 MRes Coins (2608/h for 11h:30m)
<<-15 4x3 049 Workshop (29/h Supplies)
05-05 4x3 000 MWorkshop (1490/h)
<<-01 3x4 050 Trader (Tier 1 Marble-Gems)

<<-15 6x5 166 Barracks (31/h 5 Slots)
<<-15 4x4 053 Armory (+40/Squad)
05-08 3x4 067 Training Grounds (49/h 4 Slots)
chapter 07 for Mercenary Camp

<<-15 3x2 046 Marble (173/d)
<<-15 3x3 062 Steel (257/d)
<<-15 3x2 051 Planks (173/d)
09-15 4x3 143 Crystal (342/d)
10-15 4x4 155 Scrolls (458/d)
10-15 3x4 129 Silk (342/d)
08-15 4x5 271 Elixir (571/d)
08-15 5x4 271 MDust (618/d)
09-15 4x5 222 Gems (571/d)

01-35 4x5 000 Watchtower Culture & Help
01-35 4x6 000 High Men Rank (50-500)

04-__ _x- 000 Tournaments
05-__ _x_ 000 Spire of Eternity
05-06 7x7 000 Central Place Capacity (100)

# Elven Chapter 10

10 Elvarian Sorcerers

24-25 7x6 819 Main Hall Storage (17.4K)
<<-05 3x3 000 Builders Hut Slots (5)
24-25 3x5 170 Res Coins (5023/h 17h)
01 2x2 080 Magic Residence (295/h 5h)
01 2x2 018 Workshop (29/h Supplies)
01 2x2 040 Magic Workshop (141/h)
01 3x4 050 Trader (Marble - Gems)

01 4x3 009 Barracks (1/h 3 Slots)
01 2x2 018 Armory (+3 / Squad)
01 3x3 025 Training Grounds (3/h 3 Slots)
chapter 07 Mercenary Camp

01 1x2 020 Marble (9/d)
01 2x2 036 Steel (19/d)
01 2x1 022 Planks (9/d)
01 3x2 092 Crystal (28/d)
01 3x3 113 Scrolls (41/d)
01 2x3 084 Silk (28/d)
01 4x3 211 Elixir (56/d)
01 4x3 192 Magic Dust (56/d)
01 3x4 173 Gems (56/d)

01 4x4 000 Tome (98.4S/Quest 1KPS/d)
01 3x3 000 GA (246K/3h Coins 3801 Pop

chapter 06 Settlement Warehouse

# Elven Chapter 15

15 The Elvenar

34-34 8x8 6013 Main Hall Storage (41.0K)
<<-05 3x3 000 Builders Hut Slots (5)
34-35 5x3 400 Res Coins (8186/h 21h 30m)
01 2x2 080 Magic Residence (295/h 5h)
01 2x2 018 Workshop (29/h Supplies)
01 2x2 040 Magic Workshop (141/h)
01 3x4 050 Trader (Marble - Gems)

01 4x3 009 Barracks (1/h 3 Slots)
01 2x2 018 Armory (+3 / Squad)
01 3x3 025 Training Grounds (3/h 3 Slots)
chapter 07 Mercenary Camp

01 1x2 020 Marble (9/d)
01 2x2 036 Steel (19/d)
01 2x1 022 Planks (9/d)
01 3x2 092 Crystal (28/d)
01 3x3 113 Scrolls (41/d)
01 2x3 084 Silk (28/d)
01 4x3 211 Elixir (56/d)
01 4x3 192 Magic Dust (56/d)
01 3x4 173 Gems (56/d)

01 4x4 000 Tome (98.4S/Quest 1KPS/d)
01 3x3 000 GA (246K/3h Coins 3801 Pop

chapter 06 Settlement Warehouse

# Elven Chapter 20

20 The Power of Music

44-44 8x8 8196 Main Hall Storage (180M)
<<-05 3x3 000 Builders Hut Slots (5)
44-45 6x4 1700 Res Coins (33.6K/h 24h)
22-__ 5x5 54.1K MRes (130.0K/h for 24h)
44-44 7x4 2247 WS Supplies (38.7K/h)
<<-22 5x6 3000 Magic Workshop (123K/h)
<<-09 6x6 4000 Trader (Seeds or Unurium)
<<-05 5x5 000- MAcademy (2h/Relic)

42-42 7x6 3762 Barracks (860/h)
42-42 5x6 5845 Armory (Orcs 5200/d))
33-33 5x6 4209 Training Gnds (860/h)
25-25 5x5 612 Merc Camp (860/h)

34-34 6x4 4679 Marble (1350/h)
34-34 4x6 4679 Steel (1350/h)
34-34 4x6 4679 Planks (1350/h)
34-34 6x5 4000 Crystal (1300/h)
34-34 5x6 4000 Scrolls (1300/h)
34-34 5x6 4000 Silk (1300/h)
34-34 5x7 3000 Elixir (1330/3h)
34-34 5x7 3250 MDust (1240/3h)
34-34 5x7 3000 Gems (1330/3h)

01-35 4x7 000 Ancestral Resting Place
TMages (24-249/3h) Decay (9.1%-1%)
01-35 6x3 000 Scouts’ Tavern
Scouting (94%-40%) Help (Chests 4-7)

22-00 8X8 750 Whale Bay

# Human Chapter 05

# Settlements

06 Dwarves

This first quest race settlement is a straight-forward village with two types of road connected production buildings.

  • 01 4x4 Dwarven Portal

  • 12 3x2 Granite Mines

  • 09 2x3 Copper Foundries

  • 58 1x1 Portal Tracks

  • 200 1x1 Squares, 8 Expansions

07 Fairies

# Wiki Links

Wiki Links >>Next

01-49 Main Hall Storage & Visitation Buffs
01-05 Builders Hut Global (Slots & Time)
01-49 Residence (Population & Coins)
01-20 Magic Residence (Pop & Coins)
01-49 Workshop (Supplies)
01-20 Magic Workshop (Workers)
01-09 Trader Global (Tier 1, Sentient, Ascended)
01-05 Magic Academy Global (Odds & Ends)

01-44 Barracks (Balanced Combat)
01-44 Armory (Squad Size & Time)
01-35 Training Grounds (Close Combat)
01-27 Mercenary Camp (Far Combat)

01-36 Marble
01-36 Steel
01-36 Planks
01-36 Crystal
01-36 Scrolls
01-36 Silk
01-36 Elixir
01-36 Magic Dust
01-36 Gems

04-22 Ancient Wonders (2 per Chapter)

05-22 Settlements (Guest Race Portals)