Home (template)

This 3x9 Template tiles
the entire World Map

pretend that the
haystacks are triangles

# Mobiles

Our Mission

When playing the Elvenar City Builder, effective strategies will greatly enhance your enjoyment of the game. Our Chapter by Chapter building snapshots, with level ranges, footprints, population requirements, and production rates, will allow you to anticipate the space you'll need in a few weeks.
We've saved you the effort of looking everything up, one building at a time.

The Hashtag menus and the website pages themselves are optimized for mobiles, where the page area is 1/3 as wide but 3 times as long. Consequently, there’s often some extra white space on desktop pages.

# Our Mission

# Flying Ducks Tessellation

on the World Map

A (3x9) parallelogram is the fundamental building block in Elvenar, and we’ve done a deep dive on the World_Map page.

Each block contains:

  • 9 Cities, each with a different combination of Relics, per Tier

  • 9 Relics, each listed twice.

    • The Relic immediately above your city defines your three Tier 1 boosts

      • lower left of your city

      • above your city

      • lower right of your city

    • Tier 2 Sentient boosts are taken from the Tier 1 boosts for the City below your city

    • Tier 3 Ascended Goods are taken from the Tier 1 boosts for the second City below your city, or the City above your city which is the same thing.

      • Ascended Goods use a Merchant, rather than the normal Trader

    • The Relics immediately below a city are only used for Province and Tournament encounters

# Tessellation

# Relic Tiers

  • This Home Template repeats in all directions.

    One City Right or Two Cities Left is the same move

    One City Down or Two Cites Up is the same move

    Please locate the city just below the Crystal Icon at the top of the middle Column.

  • In the early chapters you will have access to nine Goods, Marble-Gems, but only three of them will be boosted.
    —Above the city on your Lower Left
    —Above your own city
    —Above the city on your
    Lower Right

    Steel, Crystal, Elixir for this city, but each city is different.

  • Beginning in Chapter 12: Elementals, Sentient Goods will become available, and you’ll be dismayed to learn that they decay 10% overnight.

    The sentient boosts are determined by the Tier 1 boosts in the city BELOW your city.

    Planks, Scrolls, Magic Dust in this case.

  • Beginning in Chapter 18: Team Spirit, Ascended Goods become available.

    They also decay 10% overnight, and they use a Merchant, rather than the Trader.

    Your Ascended Boost are defined by the Tier 1 boosts for the city ABOVE your city, which is the same move as the SECOND city BELOW your city.

    Marble, Silk, Gems in this case.

# Building Levels

Building Levels

Aesthetics, and consequently the size and footprint of their buildings, is the main difference between Elves and Humans.

If you click on the Progression dropdown menu, in the header of this page, you’ll see that there are a dozen different pages, that each have five chapter sections plus a Wiki link section.

For each Chapter, we’ve provided a snapshot of the core buildings that will be available as soon as you complete the related research, all nicely lined up for easy comparisons.

Level Range Footprint
Building Type (no fancy names)
Primary Benefit

This is NOT new information, it’s all in the Wiki and we’ve provided the links, but everything in the Wiki is horizontal for each building type, in Building:Race:Level sequence,

Looking at snapshot of the buildings, chapter by chapter, is a major convenience when you’re deciding where to place Expiring Building, Cultural Builds, and the other Odds and Ends that are easy to move when you need to upgrade your core buildings.

# Hashtags and Bookmarks

Hash Tags and Bookmarks

In the upper righthand corner of most pages there’s a list of Hashtags that you can use to link directly to the various sections on each page.

In particular, if you have multiple characters, you can right-click and then bookmark their chapter, or simply drag the Browser URL bar to create a desktop icon. You can subsequently use those current chapters as reentry points, rather than chasing 2x22 chapters, using the menus in the page header, every time you want to check something.

Desktop displays have enough space for three newspaper style columns, side by side, but on a mobile the columns have to be stacked vertically. The /home Hash Tags list provides a nice outline view for the mobile users, and allows them to jump directly to the content that they want to look at first.

We’ve also juiced up the Tessellation Map with a (redundant) Haystack Button (think Triangle) on each of the nine cities. The corners of the pointy-topped triangles are on the boosted relics for that city, and we’re hoping that folks will be able to visualize how the World Map hangs together.

Finally, there’s a button in the lower right corner of all footers, which will allow you to jump back to the Home page, without opening the Header Bar Menu.

# Hovering


Clicking on a City is an alternate menu function for nine of the major pages. The dropdown Progression and Strategy menus, in the Header Bar, are comprehensive, and especially so if you include the hashtag menus, but clicking on the Cities is more fun.

  • World Map Structure

  • Navigating the Pathways Website

  • Goods: Manufacturing, Trading, and Buffs

  • Negotiation: Convincing and Negotiating

  • Battle: In all of the Province, Spire of Eternity, and Tournament encounter, you can elect either Negotiation or Battle.

  • Ancient Wonders (Swap Plus). The Ancient Wonders themselves are listed with each Progression chapter.

  • Magic Academy

  • Cauldron

  • Events

  • Sandbox

# Website Status

Website Status (1/3/25)

We’re still several weeks from Showtime, but the website is coming together quite nicely.

  • The Home page is done.

  • The World Map is done, including instructions for using the Browser Console to get the coordinates of your city, and a very nice widget for mapping your coordinate onto the 3x9 Template

  • In the Progression pages, the data for all of the Elven Chapters is correct for the Basic Buildings and the Military Buildings, along with all of the Chapter Hash Tags..

  • The Strategy Pages are Hit and Miss.

  • Our next chore will be to grind through the rest of the progression pages.

  • We’ve created a Pathways Blog that will be used to explore new ideas that look like they’ll be worth some effort, and we’ll be using the Blog for the consequent Change Control.