Manufacturing Footprint

We have provided a Chapter by Chapter glance at which buildings can be upgraded in each chapter, but that’s only the beginning of the story.

Let’s start with a Thumbnail Sketch for a well-managed city that auto fights 2/3rd of their encounters, goes halfway up the Spire, does half of the available Tournament stars, and doesn’t mind throwing buckets-full of stuff in the Pit and the Cauldron.

We’ll then examine the whys and wherefores.

  • Boosted Goods will have roughly 10 times the production rate of non-boosted goods. ONLY build boosted Manufactories, and trade or use the wholesaler to obtain the same amount of non-boosted goods. There’s NO limit on how many Tier 1 goods you can carry in your inventory.

  • Keep your Builder’s busy:

    • Max out your Boosted Buildings. You’ll need Workers plus Culture to keep the workers happy, but try to max level the boosted buildings as soon as you can, without stopping everything. Making stuff will be a LOT easier once your manufacturing buildings are max level for their current level of research.

    • Once you’ve maxed your current manufacturing buildings, ANTICIPATE the chapter 12 Sentient and Chapter 18 Ascended boosts by leveling one or two NON-boosted buildings (JUST leveling, no production) that you will TELEPORT as soon as they are at their current max level

  • Tier 1: Basic, Refined, Precious

    • 3 each of the 3 Tier 1 boosted types. Trade and use the Wholesaler for the 2/3rds that are non-boosted.
      9 Tier 1 total

  • Tier 2: Sentient (starting in chapter 12)

    • 2 each of the 3 Sentient boosted types. Note that they decay 10% every night until you max the related AW
      6 Sentient total
      6 Tier 1 to feed them: 9+6=15 total

  • Tier 3: Ascended (starting in chapter 18)

    • 2 each of the 3 Ascended boosted types. Note that they decay 10% every night until you max the related AW
      6 Ascended total
      6 Tier 1 to feed them. 9+6+6=21 total

  • Grand Total (all 9 Boosts)

    • 21 total for Tier 1

    • 6 total for Sentient

    • 6 total for Ascended

  • Did I mention that you might need an ENORMOUS pile of Tier 1 Goods? Do you “really” think you’re going to have the space for 33 Manufacturing Buildings? They’ll EACH need a 5x5 expansion of their own.

Maiden Fair has provided us with a set of spreadsheets that details how many squares you’re going to need to produce EACH unit of Goods, which you can then multiple by your consumption numbers.

It’s scary. The gotcha is that you can’t build JUST the Manufacturing Building. You need workers, workers need culture. and everybody needs AWs.

  • 61 Research Expansions

  • 68 Province Expansions

  • 49 Premium Expansions

About a sixth of the available space in your city will be occupied by Manufacturing Buildings.

Production of Goods

Sentient and Ascended Goods

Decay is a new, troublesome feature. The disheartening concept is that you need Basic Goods AND Divine Seeds to make sentient goods, BUT 10% of your total Sentient inventory reverts to Tier 1 Goods overnight. It doesn’t matter how the Sentient and Ascended Goods are distributed; every day 10% of the total will revert to Tier 1 Goods.

Leveling your Simia Sapiens, see, reduces the decay percentage somewhat, at level 35 it’s down to 1%, but the fundamental strategy remains the same. Once the (Decay Rate * Stored Sentient Goods) is >= your production rate, you’re not going to accumulate any more Sentient Goods, in total, you’ll just be losing Divine Seeds if you keep at it.

Glance at the Main Hall Relics tab, and notice that each Tier 1 Goods triple will have a Relics Boost, and the same concept applies for (next right with wraparound) Sentient and (second right) Ascended Goods. Eventually, all 9 Relics will boost something.

Glance at the Trader Wholesaler tab for Tier 1 Goods, and note that you can purchase the NON-boosted Tier 1 Goods for Coins, Supplies, or the Boosted Tier 1 Goods. Significantly, the purchase price resets every 24 hours, which is decidedly not the case when you purchase Knowledge Points, as that price never resets.

  • In all chapters you can use the Wholesaler to purchase the Tier 1 NON-boosted Goods for Coins, Supplies, or the Tier 1 boosted goods.

  • Beginning in chapter 12, Sentient Goods become available. The NON-boosted Sentient Goods can be purchased with the related boosted Sentient Goods. but neither Coins nor Supplies

  • Beginning in chapter 18, Ascended Goods become available, with similar restrictions, but there’s a separate Merchant for Ascended Goods, and a consignment limit on how many offers you can have in play at one time.

Each Merchant will immediately buy your Ascended Goods, the quantity is limited by the level of your Main Hall, but they won’t be available again for twenty days unless someone buys your consignment.

Accumulate enormous Piles of all Tier 1 Goods, but focus your Sentient and Ascended trades on the Goods that you will need in the NEAR future.

The recommended strategy, unless you have a ton of Teleport Spells and Time Instants, is to manufacture only Boosted Goods, and then use trading to keep your stash balanced.

  • Don’t forget that you’ll need Goods for more than just Research. You’ll need modest amounts of Sentient and Ascended Goods in the Spire, the Tournaments, and for some of the Events.

  • Manufacture only the Boosted Goods for each Tier; the yield will be MUCH higher (mostly because of the Relics) for the Boosted Goods.

    • The buildings with Tier 2 and Tier 3 boosts will only be able to manufacture Unboosted Tier 1 Goods for their first several levels, but you still need to get them up to speed ahead of time, so that they’ll be useful when the Sentient and Ascended options become available.

  • Trade your Boosted Goods, each day in each Tier, to obtain the Non-Boosted Goods

  • Use the Wholesaler, to obtain additional Non-Boosted Goods, a couple of rounds every day, and especially so if no trades were available.

  • Note that 10% of the Sentient and Ascended Goods in your stash will revert to Tier 1 Goods every day. You Did Not lose any Divine Seeds (nor Unurium) on the decayed Goods that you obtained through trading, but you’ll need them when you reprocess the decayed Goods.

Be aware that the benefits of the Ancient Wonders are routinely adjusted to balance the game, including decay rates and production rates. A recent round of adjustments is summarized at