Ancient Wonders (Swap Plus)
Swap Plus is a completely asynchronous method for leveling Ancient Wonders. There are no Swap threads, Wonder Societies, nor Shout Outs in chat. Also, if you want more customers (or fewer customers) it's just a matter of increasing (or neglecting) your Neighborly Help visits. Your time, and the additional Runes, AW Tokens,and Royal Restorations (from the Tournaments and other sources) are the only limits on how rapidly you can level your Ancient Wonders.
Curiously, there's a rationale for contributing a 5_kps AW Token even after all of the Award Chests have been claimed. Your 5kps Token (or more) throwaway contribution is actually part of an automatic 5kps Swap Chain that will quickly claim all of the Award Chests for each fresh Favorite AW level. If the other folks in your Fellowship (or Neighborhood) are using a similar technique, then when you post a fresh Favorite AW level, you'll likely get 24x5=120 or more points to kick start your new level.
- Use the Contributed tab on the AW widget to review your prior investments and, if an AW is close to leveling, ensure that nobody is trying to sneak past you by just a few points. If so, you can block them with a slight overbid to ensure that the AW will level before they can bump you again.
- Add =(remainingPoints + Lag + 1) /2
- Add =(remainingPoints - Lead+ 1) /2
- Use the Notifications tab and reciprocate the Neighborly Help.
- Every few days, use the Fellowship Roster and check all of the favorite AWs.
- If there's a "Contributed" flag, then move on. You've already reviewed that investment, even if the "investment" was only a time-saving 5kps throwaway.
- Otherwise, using your daily AW Perk @faceValue + Runes @15 + Tokens @faceValue + raw KPS, find the best chest price which is so underbid that you can claim it for the 2nd best chear price; or just wing it.
- You'll probably get bumped if there are several active contributors, but being the first contributor, at your preferred price point. is very rewarding.
- If you get bumped twice you'll lose a few KPS, but if both of the chests were overbid then other nearby opportunities will have less competition.
- If there isn't a decent investment, just toss in a 5kps token to activate the "contributed" flag.
- Now repeat the same exercise on your World Map, with your Neighbors, using the Ancient Wonder icons on the cities that are currently on a timer as a result of your recent reciprocal Neighborly Help. It's surprisingly easy to find active folks who are soloing, or don't have much support from their Fellowship.
- If you still have more than the 16 Runes that you'll need to level some of your own AWs (you can use a junk AW for the other 9 Runes), then offer Neighborly Help to everybody in your neighborhood, and thereby increase your customer base.
- Now use the AW Contributions tab again, and if you still have too many AW Tokens or Runes, overbid a few of the AWs to complete them, and thereby tune your stash of Runes and Tokens, at a slight loss, as a means of favoring the folks who have been helping you level your own AWs.
Ancient Wonders in each Chapter
The Rrogression pages include the AWs for each Chapter section, along with a clickable Wiki link for additional information.