Who we are

Katwick can still figure-eight paper tape, but thinks that the World Wide Web is by far the better choice. He was in the military in the 1960s, and has had a ringside seat for an incredible 50 year transformation in the ways that we communicate. The timing was perfect for an Electrical Engineer with a considerable expertise in low-voltage communication protocols.

Katwick, MissAnthropy, and Katwijk are the pseudonyms that I use while gaming. I’m ok with winning, but I’m far more interested in elegant design and in understanding the dynamics of various activities, regardless of their practicality. For me, the Means are far more interesting than the Ends.

That said, sometimes the results are simply amazing, as is the case with the Beach Parking / Dune Stabilization project that’s the background picture for this page. Take a look at https://www.zja.nl/en/KustwerkK