Elven Settlements
Chapters 06-10

# Scope

The Progression pages present the core Elvenar Buildings, Chapter by Chapter, with a particular emphasis on:
—Levels that will be released
—Building Footprints that change
—Population Requirement increases
—Production Rate increases

The Progression pages are fake tables.
Similar items from each of the chapter groups are nicely aligned if you’re using a desktop computer, but we’re forced to stack the information when you’re on a mobile.

# Elven Chapter 06

06 A Portal to the Past

16-17 6x6 304 Main Hall Storage(5700K)
16-17 2x4 20 Res Coins(1769/h 13h)
06-06 2x4 780 MRes Coins(3360/h 12.5h)
16-17 5x3 48 Workshop Supplies(1160/h)
06-06 5x3 830 MWorkshop Supplies(2100/h)
01-01 _______ Trader continues

16-17 4x8 152 Barracks Weight(49x5)
16-17 5x4 407 Armory Weight(60x5 each)
05-08 _______ Training Grounds continues
chapter 07 for Mercenary Camp

16-19 2x5 328 Marble (373/d)
16-19 3x5 444 Steel (257/d)
16-19 5x2 3611 Planks (298/d)
09-15 4x3 143 Crystal (342/d)
10-15 4x4 155 Scrolls (458/d)
10-15 3x4 129 Silk (342/d)
08-15 4x5 271 Elixir (571/d)
08-15 5x4 271 MDust (618/d)
09-15 4x5 222 Gems (571/d)

01-35 4x5 000 Watchtower Culture & Help
01-35 4x6 000 High Men Rank (50-500)

05-06 7x7 000 Central Place Capacity (100)

04-__ _x- 000 Tournaments
05-__ _x_ 000 Spire of Eternity

# Elven Chapter 07

07 Blossoms of Promise

18-19 7x6 340 Main Hall Storage(7700K)
18-19 2x4 40 Res Coins(1957/h 14h)
07-07 2x4 940 MRes(3629/h 13.5h)
18-19 3x6 60 Workshop Supplies(1550/h)
07-07 3x6 1120 MWorkshop(2800/h)
01-01 _______ Trader continues

18-19 4x7 173 Barracks Weight(71x5)
18-19 6x3 84 Armory Weight(80x5 each)
05-08 _______ Training Grounds continues
01-04 4x4 152 Mercenary Camp (98/h 3 Slots)

16-19 ______ Marble continues
16-19 ______ Steel continues
16-19 ______ Planks continues
01 3x2 092 Crystal (28/d)
01 3x3 113 Scrolls (41/d)
01 2x3 084 Silk (28/d)
01 4x3 211 Elixir (56/d)
01 4x3 192 Magic Dust (56/d)
01 3x4 173 Gems (56/d)

01 4x4 000 Tome (98.4S/Quest 1KPS/d)
01 3x3 000 GA (246K/3h Coins 3801 Pop

chapter 06 Settlement Warehouse

# Elven Chapter 08

08 Mud and Mushrooms

20-21 8x8 549 Main Hall Storage(10.4M)
20-21 4x3 50 Res Coins(3246/h 15h)
08-08 4x3 450 MRes Coins(5931/h 13.5h)
20-21 3x6 109 Workshop Supplies(1740/h)
08-08 3x6 1320 MWorkshop Supplies(3100/h)
01-01 _______ Trader continues

20-21 4x7 686 Barracks Weight(98x5)
20-23 5x5 295 Armory Weight(160x5) Orcs(520)
09-12 5x3 117 Training Grounds (129/h 5 slots)
01-04 ———- Mercenary Camp continues

06-19 ______ Marble continues
16-19 ______ Steel continues
16-19 ______ Planks continues
01 3x2 092 Crystal (28/d)
01 3x3 113 Scrolls (41/d)
01 2x3 084 Silk (28/d)
01 4x3 211 Elixir (56/d)
01 4x3 192 Magic Dust (56/d)
01 3x4 173 Gems (56/d)

01 4x4 000 Tome (98.4S/Quest 1KPS/d)
01 3x3 000 GA (246K/3h Coins 3801 Pop

chapter 06 Settlement Warehouse

# Elven Chapter 09

09 Natives of the Continent

22-23 7x6 630 Main Hall Storage (13.6M)
22-23 4x3 110 Res Coins (3612/h 16h)
09-09 4x3 2100 MRes (6580/h 15.5h)
22-23 4x5 145 Workshop Supplies (2160/h)
09-09 4x5 1800 MWorkshop Supplies (3900/h)
01-01 _______ Trader continues

22-25 5x7 410 Barracks Weight(164x5) Slots(5)
20-23 _______ Armory continues
09-12 _______ Training Grounds continues
05-08 3x6 266 Mercenary Camp (164/h 4 Slots)

20-23 6x3 1110 Marble (910/d)
20-23 3x6 0742 Steel (910/d)
20-23 6x3 1004 Planks (910/d)
34-34 6x5 4000 Crystal (1300/d)
34-34 5x6 4000 Scrolls (1300/d)
34-34 5x6 4000 Silk (1300/d)
34-34 5x7 3000 Elixir (1330/3d)
34-34 5x7 3250 MDust (1240/3d)
34-34 5x7 3000 Gems (1330/3d)

01-35 4x7 000 Ancestral Resting Place
TMages (24-249/3h) Decay (9.1%-1%)
01-35 6x3 000 Scouts’ Tavern
Scouting (94%-40%) Help (Chests 4-7)

22-00 8X8 750 Whale Bay

# Elven Chapter 10

10 The Elvarian Sorcerers

24-25 7x6 0819 Main Hall Storage (17.4M)
24-25 3x5 170 Res Coins (5023/h 17h)
10-10 3x5 3100 MRes (9151/h 16.5h)
24-25 4x5 179 Workshop Supplies (2410/h)
11-11 4x5 2200 MWorkshop Supplies (4300/h)
01-01 _______ Trader continues

22-25 _________ Barracks continues
24-27 6x4 177 Armory Weight(215x5 each) Orcs (770/d)
13-16 3x6 204 Training Grounds (200/h 5 Slots)
05-08 ________ Mercenary Camp continues

20-23 _______ Marble continues
20-23 _______ Steel continues
20-23 _______ Planks continues
36-__ 5x6 8000 Crystal (1740/d)
36-__ 6x5 8000 Scrolls (1740/d)
36-__ 5x6 8000 Silk (1740/d)
36-__ 5x7 9000 Elixir (1480/d)
36-__ 5x7 9000 MDust (1480/d)
36-__ 5x7 9000 Gems (1480/d)

01-35 3x7 000 Tournament Fan Curve
Seeds (1/Tour Pt) Decay (9.1%-1%)
01-35 6x3 000 Altar of Eternity
HR (38-373/3h) Seeds (1-83/Chest)

22-00 8X8 750 Whale Bay

# Wiki Links

Elvenar Wiki >> Next

01-49 Main Hall Storage & Visitation Buffs
01-49 Residence (Population & Coins)
01-22 Magic Residence (Pop & Coins)
01-49 Workshop (Supplies)
01-20 Magic Workshop (Supplies)
01-09 Trader Global (Tier 1, Sentient, Ascended)
01-05 Magic Academy Global (Odds & Ends)

01-44 Barracks (Balanced Combat)
01-44 Armory (Squad Size & Time)
01-35 Training Grounds (Close Combat)
01-27 Mercenary Camp (Far Combat)

01-36 Marble
01-36 Steel
01-36 Planks
01-36 Crystal
01-36 Scrolls
01-36 Silk
01-36 Elixir
01-36 Magic Dust
01-36 Gems

04-22 Ancient Wonders (2 per Chapter)

05-22 Settlements (Guest Race Portals)